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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Potty-Training part 2

So my previous post was just a little brief excerpt from my life.  Here are some tips I have found online about potty training.
  • Many websites say to offer bribes for using the potty.  Reward your child for each time they use the potty.  A simple snack or new toy may be sufficient.  There are always many different ways that you can reward your child such as these:
    • A snack
    • A toy
    • A trip to their favorite family members house
    • A trip to the park
    • Their favorite dinner
    • A play date with one of their friends
    • A special parent child day
    • A movie they like to watch
  • A way to teach little boys to use the potty is by always letting Daddy show them.  There are a couple other ways to teach a little boy to use the potty standing up.
    • You can throw a few Cheerios in the potty and tell them to hit the rings
    • You can put the blue stuff in the toilet that cleans it and have them make bubbles
    • Have daddy show them that it is like a grown up
  • You can always make a game out of it.
    • Tell them that whoever uses the potty the most wins.
    • Have a prize for the end of the day for the winner.
    • If you do not have any other children to help them with this game you can play along.
  • You can tell them that the poop and pee go somewhere important and do something important.
    • Tell them that it goes to feed something and if they do not use the potty whatever it is you told them it will feed will go hungry.
  • Take them to the bathroom every 20-30 minutes.  This should have affect.  But  if they throw a complete fit give them a little more time. 
  • Let your child go without any clothes.
    • This can make them want to go to the potty.
    • Especially before bath time.
  • Have your child tell their pee and poop bye bye.
    • This can create a sense of accomplishment that something is going away and they can make it go away.
    • This scares some children though some believe their pee and poop to be part of them still and do not want it to go.
  • All kids love stickers.
    • Use stickers for each time that they use the potty.
    • At the end of the day they can show their stickers off to someone that wasn't around for the actual potty moments this way they get extra attention for using the potty.
  • Where the potty is at can be everything
    • Make the experience comfortable to begin with.
    • If your child has a normal spot that they go and hide to go number 2 put the potty seat there so that they are still hiding but also being a big kid.
    • If your child stays in the living room or in their bed room the majority of the day put the potty there so they feel more comfortable.
  • Give them something to do while they are on the potty.
    • Set some small toys or small books next to the potty so they can stay occupied while they go.
Remember potty training is a process.... Be Patient.  Always praise them for doing good and have faith.  You will be out of diapers before you know it and into big girl or big boy underpants. 

Thoughts to remember

  • Be Patient
  • Have Faith
  • Praise Them
  • Help Them
Oh and some parents can do it cold turkey just get rid of the diapers or pull ups and use panties or underwear.  Sometimes that may be just what it takes.


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