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Saturday, November 5, 2011

My Journey Into Potty Training

I have a two year old daughter that is beginning to show interest in using the potty.  I have let her take charge of this on her own.  She showed interest at about 18 months old but when I began pushing her to use the potty on her own it was a lost battle.  She done exceptionally well for several weeks, only wetting her diaper at night.  Then I began to ask her when she would go periods of time without using the bathroom and this seemed to aggravate her.  Causing her to not go or even try to go to the potty.  I finally gave up on it all together.  I was terrified that she would be difficult to potty train.  She has recently picked interest in using the potty again.  This time I am letting this be completely up to her.  Each day seems to get better.  She goes longer periods of time without wetting a diaper.  My husband seems to be set on getting pull-ups and using them.  I myself on the other hand am scared that pull-ups will just seem the same as a diaper.  I have started rewarding her for using the potty on her own.  She gets a treat such as getting a  pack of her favorite gummies or if she goes number 2 in the potty she gets rewarded with something new for her baby dolls.  This seems to be working and I hope that my efforts in making this an easy process for her prevails.  :)

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